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  • 餐厅英语对话常用句有哪些?英语餐厅情景对话20句
来源:文化小编    发布时间:2024-03-12    浏览:6003


1. 预订餐桌

服务员:Hello, how can I help you?

顾客:Hi, I'd like to make a reservation for two at 7 o'clock tonight.

服务员:Certainly, what name is the reservation under?

顾客:It's under the name of Smith.

2. 点菜

服务员:Are you ready to order?

顾客:Yes, we'll have the seafood pasta and a side of garlic bread, please.

服务员:Would you like anything to drink with that?

顾客:I'll have a glass of white wine, and my friend will have a coke, please.

3. 询问菜品详情

顾客:What's the chef's special for today?

服务员:Today's special is grilled salmon with lemon butter sauce served with roasted vegetables.

顾客:That sounds delicious. I'll have that, please.

4. 请求服务

顾客:Excuse me, could we have some more napkins, please?

服务员:Of course, I'll bring them right over.

5. 结账

服务员:Are you ready for the check?

顾客:Yes, please. Can we split the bill?

服务员:Sure, I'll bring two separate checks for you.


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